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The Bunny at the Casino

English title: The Bunny at the Casino

Japanese title: 賭場の裏バニーさん


Comic has adult content. Viewer discretion is advised
The Bunny at the Casino cover


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Page count: 38

Year published: .

Comic id: #1639

Description »

A young man got caught up in gambling scam at a yakuza joint. Getting beaten up, his life is slipping from him when a hot dealer throws him a lifeline and bails him out. "Miss Bunny", as he calls her, turns out to be less of a savior and more of wolf in sheep's clothing: a sadist who recognized his masochism. After saving him, she's now his mistress and he's at her beck and call.
*All characters depicted in this work of fiction are adults, regardless of their visual representation or textual description, and are not based on any real person*


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